Electrostatic vs. Bag Filters in Cement Industry

Add Your Heading Text Here Electrostatic vs. Bag Filters in the Cement Industry The Basics of Flue Gas Treatment Flue gas is a byproduct of combustion processes in power plants, industrial facilities, and incinerators. It typically contains a mix of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and pollutants like particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and mercury. […]

What is a flue gas cleaning system?

2024: What is a flue gas cleaning system? What Is A Flue Gas Cleaning System? A flue gas cleaning system is a critical component of industries that produce flue gas emissions, such as power plants, chemical plants, and cement factories. Its primary function is to remove pollutants from the flue gas exhaust before it is released into the atmosphere. This plays […]

2024: Medical Incineration Overview

2024: Medical Incineration Overview What is a medical incinerator? A medical waste incinerator is a device that uses high-temperature combustion to destroy hazardous medical waste. Medical waste includes any material that is contaminated with infectious agents, toxic chemicals, or radioactive substances that can harm human health or the environment. Medical waste incinerators operate in two […]

FGD Wastewater

FGD Wastewater Treatment FGD Wastewater What is FGD Wastewater? Coal-fired power plants produce sulfur dioxide (SO2) air pollution, which can be reduced by flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems. FGD wastewater has a lot of calcium sulfate, as well as metals and chlorides. Cybertig can improve FGD water cycles by removing chlorides selectively, or eliminate FGD […]