
“The proper use of science is not to conquer nature but to live in it”
Barry Commoner

Biomass Powerplants

When it comes to biomass, flue gas cleaning systems are essential for cutting down emissions that include particulate matter and various gases, ensuring a greener energy production.

Hazardous waste incinerator

Hazardous Waste

Dealing with hazardous waste incineration, flue gas cleaning systems play a pivotal role in capturing acid gases and particulates, safeguarding the atmosphere from potential toxins.

laptops on a desk with tea

Food and Beverage Industry

Flue gas cleaning systems in the food and beverage industry are all about maintaining product integrity, stripping away unwanted elements from the exhaust to guarantee safety and quality.

Flue gas cleaning system


Powerplants rely on flue gas cleaning systems to meet strict environmental regulations, targeting a range of pollutants to keep our air clean.


Chemical Industry

The chemical industry benefits greatly from flue gas cleaning systems, which are designed to extract a variety of contaminants, aiding in both process optimization and environmental protection.

Glass Industry

In glass manufacturing, flue gas cleaning systems are the unsung heroes that tackle everything from dust to acid gases, ensuring cleaner production processes.

Get in touch!

For your flue gas cleaning needs, Cybertig is here to help.

In this blog, you will discover how flue gas cleaning systems and hazardous waste/medical incinerators can help you reduce emissions, save costs, and comply with environmental standards. You will also learn about the latest innovations and best practices in the field of energy from waste.

FGD Wastewater

FGD Wastewater Treatment FGD Wastewater What is FGD Wastewater? Coal-fired power plants produce sulfur